
Monday, December 10, 2012

This is goodbye.

Ever since I started my blog, I have been posting and learning new interesting things. I did not know I had to do a closing statement and now this means goodbye even though I am late. I wanted to keep posting stuff on my blogger because it has help me with my writing. Also, I have learned many things while posting news, art, music, etc. This experience helped me a lot because I know now how to type better, how to do essays, and most importantly how to summarize a news article. I'm glad I worked with this project and I wanted to appreciate my English Professor: Iara Segarra because this first semester was extraordinary with her and she taught me a lot of helpful things. I could not be more happier. Thank You. I hope I can continue posting things and that you like my blog as much as I do.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Robi Draco Rosa

Robi Draco is my favorite musician. Many people do not know who he is. He was born in the States but his parents are Boricuas! Because of that, he considers himself to be a proud Puertorican.  In some strange way, his musics speaks to me. It always makes me feel good and relax. I recommend that you listen to him because he is a great artist.( He is a Gorgeous man!! )

Here are some of my favorites songs :) 

Bajo La Piel:

And my absolute favorite:

Mad Love

Pictures of Draco:

Merry Christmas!

The holidays are here! Merry  Christmas to all of you! Specially to my English Professor since she has been a really great professor(:

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always baked cookies during the holidays. It means a lot to me because I spend quality time with my mom and family. Here are some of my favorites recipes of cookies! Enjoy :)

Gingerbread Cookies!

Snowflake Cookies!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sylvia Ji.

     Sylvia Ji is one of my favorite painters. She is at once spiritual, enigmatic, and yet whimsically funny. Above all else, it is perhaps beauty that emerges as her defining characteristic, and her art reflects this: an   extension  of herself; a passionate appreciation, of simple aesthetic please fused with intimately complex subject matter.  Her paintings built on the present and beyond fascinating expressions of love, lust, beauty, delicacy and passion. For this reason, I absolutely love her art. Her paintings are sugar skulls. Not a lot of artist can do them right but Sylvia is an expert. I think it's different from what most people think art is and I find her work dark, beautiful, different and mysterious. 

Sylvia Ji

Some of her art: ( my favorites )



Black Domina


In search of treasures!

I always asked myself: " Could there be more treasures out there? ". Now I know the answer. The world may seem small to some but for me is the most biggest mysterious place there is. They are indeed a lot of treasures yet to be found. Recently, I saw an article that talks about a treasure just found. Apparently, "A golden horse head-an ornament from one end of a long-gone iron horse bit-is part of a 2,400-year-old- treasure recently discovered in an ancient Thracian tomb in Sveshtari, Bulgaria, archaeologist announced Thursday." This for me, is just incredible and an eye opener. It makes me want to go and discovered the world. Who knows what's still out there waiting to be found. We should appreciate our big mysterious world because every day we discover more secrets and who knows what's next.

Here is the link to see the whole story:

Some pictures of the treasure:

The treasure was discovered here:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Sometimes we have everything but we're so ignorant that we don't see it. We have health, family, love, clothes, a roof , food, yet we still complain. We don't see how ungrateful we are and I include myself because sadly, sometimes I do the same. I would like to change that because now I see how lucky I am to have everything when others are in worst situations. For example, I saw a news report that talks about a man in supposed Vegetative State. It gives me hope to see how people with health problems still manage to do a better job than those who are in great shape. We complain and complain but we don't appreciate the simple things. Scott Routley managed to communicate to his Doctors even though people thought it was impossible do to the state he is. There is still a little hope for those who are in Vegetative State. Although is a very small percent they try. Some of us who have everything don't even do the minimum try. The report taught me a big lesson. I should be grateful for everything I have and most importantly for my good health. I will take good care of my body because some wish to be in the position I am. Something so simple like walking, breathing, talking, hearing and smelling, we should appreciate those things that keep us alive.

Here's the link of the report: " A man in supposed Vegetative State Communicates" :

Monday, November 12, 2012

Most amazing death

When my time comes.. I hope I'm strong like this fellow...

 ( this is a to add a little humor to my blog, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did LOL! :'D )